Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Spring Hits. Will It Stay?

Today was sublime. You may think I speak in hyperbole, but no. The temperature reached sixty degrees! It may have been rainy, it may have been windy, but it was humid, and the wind that we did have was not a bone-slicing knife that induced frostbite in under four seconds; rather it was a wind you would expect on April Fool's Day, like a wet, sloppy piece of cotton smearing itself across your exposed skin: nice. So now the entire school has the giggles. The grass is threatening to turn green, and study hall is all but a joke. Yep. We welcomed spring on April 1st. We'll see if Mother Nature has played a nice one on us...

"The great thing about the human language is that it prevents us from sticking to the matter at hand." -Lewis Thomas (1913-1993)

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