Saturday, April 19, 2008

Mad, Mad World

This morning I am sipping my coffee and browsing the news on-line when my eyes unfortunately find an article that causes my same said coffee to find its way back out of my nose at very high speed. Mr. I'm-a-dinner-jacket of Iran tells the world that the price of oil is not high enough in relation to its "true" value. Hmm. He may be correct in terms of supply and demand. The simple fact that we have reached this point is unacceptable. Living in an oil-based economy is no longer viable. Oil is a finite resource, and it is running out. Burning oil pollutes in many, many ways. And, by continuing to rely on oil for our fuel needs, we give power to all the wrong people. We don't need dictators telling us how to spend our money, telling us to burn our way into poverty because he holds all the cards.
It's time to wake up. There is nothing to debate here. We need to turn to renewable resources like wind, water, and sun. The technology is available. American car companies need to stop caving to the oil guys. It's time for the new. We want it; we need it. I hope we can make it until November. Fight the good fight. Now I need to clean up this coffee...

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