Bryhn and Boden both were baptized this morning, by the Reverend Ned Mulligan at the Salisbury School chapel. The service was perfect. It was small, short, intimate, and fun. Ned ("Chappie") opened the ceremony with a brief talk about letting the munchkins run free because, in his eyes, one reason people grow up not enjoying church is because they associate it with rigidity and rules and "sssh!" and "sit still!". That set the tone for a beautiful amount of pandemonium over which the rest of the service took place.
Bryhn was very excited for the "magic elf-water" to be poured over his head (see "Legolas" posting). He stood at the cistern for a good 20 minutes waiting for the special moment. Boden teetered around chasing Grady (who was busy moving chairs).
Godparents, Curtis and Meg Singmaster, did a great job with readings and generally keeping things running smoothly, and Gus and O.B. were kind enough to tear themselves out of bed after a long night of imbibing that ended only hours before.
We all had a nice, relaxing day that cleared and warmed gradually and pleasantly. Now it's time to grill some hamburgers and find some of that magic elf-water to wash it down with...
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