Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Crisis Averted

It looks like the drama has passed, at least for now. I had a good meeting with the headmaster, and if we don't get the house we are hoping for this year, we are PROMISED an even better one next year. Moving on...

All is well and good on the family front these days. The sun is making regular appearances, the mercury getting bolder in its ascent. The only darkness, right now, comes from a voluntary action of mine: reading The Road by Cormac McCarthy. Holy cow. Talk about a thing of terrible beauty. The book reads like a poem. The post-apocalyptic images are so stark, cold, and improbably real, I find myself dreaming (nightmaring) about them. I want to recommend this book, but I feel like I need to do so with a disclaimer; "You need to read this (at your own risk)!"

Now, when I read the paper in the morning, world issues, pertinent issues, real issues are magnified in very specific ways. I do not want McCarthy's vision to manifest itself, ever. The problem is that we are headed, I think, in that direction, and if we do not make very concerted, conscious, conscientious decisions about where we are going... well, let's just get it together.

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