Sunday, September 21, 2008

We're Back! Again...

So here we are, safely ensconced back at the Hilltop/Sarum/Salisbury/etc. So much has happened over the summer, I am not sure where to begin.
The Fish Farm was fantastic. The water was wet, clean, and chock full o'scalies. Bryhn caught his fair share and we all feasted mightily on bluegills several times. Boden was all over the place all the time. He managed to figure out how to climb a ladder while nobody was watching, and I only found him by following the sound of his laughter. Haylee was a horse riding (and beautiful) fool, and I managed to ride my bike almost enough (or too much) depending upon whom was asked. The boys and I started a tree fort which quickly turned into a cabin. It is two stories with an entry-way. I had to make the staircase and will need to finish the door and roof when we get back next time.
Here at Salisbury, we have moved into our new house. It is awesome! Haylee's mom and grandmother painted the whole place while we moved out of our old digs and into this one. The first two weeks of our return were the most stressful I've had in a very long time. The fact that I am still married is a testament to something, well, positive. We made it. Now we don't have to listen to sophomores swearing at each other over video game shenanigans or knocking on our door at all hours of the day because they locked themselves out of their rooms again. The bad thing is that once every five weeks or so, I may have to chaperon a dance, and yep, I had the distinct honor of doing so last night. Oh how different "dances" are from the old days. I believe "throbbing miasma" was the phrase of the night. Luckily our boys were solid and everyone made it back in one, sober piece.
Classes are going well, the soccer team not so well. I'll take that for now. So tomorrow starts a new week. Beowulf is on tap, and the boys are off to Puddle Jumpers. Oh yeah, Haylee just won the overall for the pleasure category at Riga Meadows today. She was a bit tipsy when she got home as she had just finished a whole beer to celebrate her stunning success. Man, are we cheap dates...

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