Saturday, May 17, 2008

We're Back!

So it's been a long time since the last update. Bryhn and Bode both turned a year older in a day (crazy how that happens). I won a bike race. Haylee worked more hours than physically possible, and my students are driving me nuts with their inability to get in touch with their brains, even haphazardly.
There have been some strong requests for more information about the boys, so I will now attempt to oblige and calm the waters:
Bryhn broke his Legolas bow in a fit of anger about having to go to bed when he still had about two hours left on the final DVD of the Lord of the Rings trilogy. He's now back to the hockey stick bow and arrows. With all of the rain we've had lately, the worms have dared rear their heads (tails?), and Bryhn is an expert at finding them and putting them in his dirt-filled wheelbarrow. Some bass/perch fishing is in order. Speaking of which, Bryhn and I managed to haul a twelve inch perch out of the lake the other day. We decided there was time for a quick couple of casts before sprinting to the dining hall, so off we went. It was cold and windy, but the fish were biting. Bryhn took a cast or two and then headed off to find some nice handfuls of gravel to throw randomly into the shallows.
Boden is one funny kid. He is one of the happiest babies I've come across. He is trying valiantly to talk. He nods in answer to questions (sometimes). It is an authoritative nod that incorporates his whole body. The kid is an eating machine. It's amazing. He eats as much as I do, and that is saying something. It is hard taking him to meals with us because he eats so fast we don't have time to feed ourselves. Boden is developing a sense of humor too. He loves to sprint in the opposite direction as soon as he figures out we are all trying to get to a certain destination together. While in his brief yet terrifyingly fast moments of escape, he will shriek with glee. Most often, we catch him because he trips from trying to run and laugh maniacally at the same time. Good stuff.
So, there it is. More updates to hopefully follow more regularly. This time of year is insane. I cannot wait for the students to beat it. The Fish Farm beckons...

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