Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Speed Demon

Well, even if this posting is lacking in interesting fodder, at least I am diligent!
So (thank you unknown poet/author of Beowulf as translated by Seamus Heaney)! History was made today, and we were all a part of it, Democrat or otherwise. Barak Obama gave an amazingly intelligent, unifying, uplifting, visionary, inclusive, inspiring speech... and the Dow decided to plunge in thanks. Greedy bastards! I guess if I am ever in need of cynical, selfish insights or opionions, I will get my rear to the NYSE ASAP and ask some dink what he thinks. Unbelievable.
What an incredible day. I can't help but sigh with relief and hope, try to dust the bad karma and dirt from my soul, and be optimistic.
Elsewhere: we (Salisbury Ski Team) are hosting a GS race for the Berkshire Ski League tomorrow, which should be interesting and quite possibly fun. We are in the midst of "Diversity Week" here at school, and there have been fantastic speakers, performances, artwork, and insight all across campus. The boys in my VI Form classes are watching the modern version of Hamlet staring Ethan Hawke and reading Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (Foer), and my V Formers (honors) are studying modern poetry (Whitman, Frost, Dickens, to name a few) and watching Dead Poets Soceity. Young Frankenstein is yammering in the background as I type this, the Wild Ones (thanks, Singmasters) are asleep, and the world is right.
So it's the dawn of a new age/era, and we all have at least one superlative story to tell to future generations. No more "President-elect"-business. Just "President Obama". Cool.
'Till next time...

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