Monday, March 31, 2008

Celebrating Spring with Naked Legs

Yesterday (3/30/08) I had a race down in Bethel. It was Haylee's birthday, but she was nice enough to excuse me for the afternoon to get my weekly competitive fix. The Bethel race ( is a criterium in an industrial park. The loop is basically a mile long. The distinguishing feature of each lap is a nice little hill that culminates at the start/finish line.

My race is always at the end of the day. We started at 2:15pm and were slated for 35 laps. I am not sure how many guys started, but am guessing about sixty or so. The most amazing thing about yesterday was that it was sunny and 50 degrees! Lately, this would qualify as down right balmy. Being as such, I busted out my incredibly pasty legs. However, I must admit there was a devious reason for the leg-nakedness: blinding my opponents if they dared get too close. The reflection richocheting from my blanched extremities was mind-dazzling in its effectiveness.

The race was fun. There was a lot of action, and I am finally feeling like I am getting some form. I was in a couple promising moves that ended up not staying away. Finally a break went up the road. I was not in it and neither were the four or five guys I knew I needed to watch. Eventually a chase formed. It looked like we might be on our way to reeling the break back when, with nine laps to go, there was a huge crash. It happened just in front of me and slightly to my left. I saw it happening and was able to avoid it, but three or four others could not get around it and piled into the mess of metal and ground flesh. When the dust settled, there were three or four bodies in the middle of the road, not moving. The officials stopped the race and an ambulance was brought onto the course. There was at least a broken collar bone, a concussion, and possibly some other broken body parts.

We all waited for word about whether or not the race was going to re-start. There was a distinct sense of sails deflating while hoping our friends were all right. As time wore on and I grew colder and colder, I finally decided to pack it in and head home to salvage some time with Haylee and the boys on her birthday. I learned this morning that the race was eventually re-started, but I am glad I headed for home. I wasn't motivated any more. I remember when I broke my collar bone at a race (US Pro Championships in '98), and it is no fun. In honor of Mike M., I called it a day.

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Salisbury Parents Achieve Seemingly-Impossible!

Last Thursday, Bryhn and his close friends, Luke Adamson (Lukie) and Laura Smith celebrated their 4th birthdays together at Kids' Time in Millerton, NY. What seemed like 5-6,000 munchkins was actually about 35, and they were chaperoned by their parents. For two hours, the kids and parents stuffed themselves with healthy offerings of pizza and cupcakes while surfing a sugar-high (common theme these days) through the indoor mazes and slides. The feat was particularly remarkable in that at the end of the party, every parent was able to catch a lightening bolt covered in skin, which used to be a human child, and transport him/her safely home! A great time was had by all, especially Bryhn, Lukie, and Laura!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Hilltop Easter (aka Sugar-Insanity Fest.)

So Bryhn knew the Easter Bunny had hit the night before. We talked about it after we read A Whistle for Willie at bedtime. Bryhn seemed to accept, without much difficulty, that Easter was an amalgamate of Christ's resurrection as well as the ancient pagan fertility ritual/celebration of spring. He nodded, blinked, then asked if he was going to be able to eat "a lot, a lot, a lot of candy". Thus we launched ourselves into the orbit of SugarSpace. Boden found one egg, but was more interested in the bird poop on the sidewalk. Haylee did an admirable job chasing Bryhn, and I tried to take pictures while chewing chocolate bunnies. We all crashed shortly after these pictures...

Happy Birthday, Momma!

Haylee turns 26 tomorrow (Sunday, March 30th)! She's so excited, she can hardly breathe. She got a new three horse trailer (goose neck), some city-slicker boots, a sweater, and a dozen roses. Boden added several sloppy kisses. Yeah, Mom!